Cairns (pronounced Cans) is in the Northeast part of Australia and is BEAUTIFUL. Coming from San Diego I am a beach bum and Cairns definitely fit the bill. Unlike San Diego it is also very tropical and full of luscious green plant life. It is near the Rainforest (where the Rainforest meets the ocean) and …
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Traveling & Eating: 5 Tips on How to Indulge and Not Come Back 10lbs Heavier Mentally & Physically!
VACATION! YAAAAAAY!!! You’re on vacation! You’re in heaven with all of good food and tropical drinks you are consuming. No one can stop the fun! You’ve earned it! Flash forward. You’re back from vacation and the guilt sets in because you gained 10 lbs. “Why did I blow all of my hard work?”, “I need …
Costco Gift Cards: How to Make Money by Buying Them!
I LOVE COSTCO! We all know by now that I love Costco! One of the many reasons is the Costco gift card section! They have a huge selection of gift cards ranging from restaurants to theme parks to ski passes to gym memberships! STRAIGHT MAKIN’ MONEY!! We all know that every market, convenience or drug store …
Costco Gift Cards: How to Make Money by Buying Them!Read More
Traveling & Working Out: How to Work Out on Vacation Without Really Working Out!
We all know the feeling. We are going on vacation and we think of all the delicacies and alcoholic beverages we are going to indulge in. Cue the guilt and the internal debate. Should I bring gym clothes? Nah! I’m on vacation! OR Yes! I need to workout to not blow all the hard work …
Traveling & Working Out: How to Work Out on Vacation Without Really Working Out!Read More
Make Health a Priority: 8 Ways to Make Health a Priority in Your Life!
“You can afford to eat that.” “You are naturally skinny.” “I don’t have time to workout.” “I wish I looked like that.” You hear these phrases all the time. The people saying these phrases are the same people that don’t eat healthy and don’t workout. These are the people that aren’t making their health a …
Make Health a Priority: 8 Ways to Make Health a Priority in Your Life!Read More
Walmart Savings Catcher: What Is It and How Do I Use It?
What is Walmart Savings Catcher and How Do I Use It? Everyone has heard of the retail giant Walmart but how many of you have heard of the Walmart Savings Catcher? If you are saying WHAAAAAAT?, today is your lucky day!!! Walmart Savings Catcher is basically this… You buy a product at WM. If any other …
Walmart Savings Catcher: What Is It and How Do I Use It?Read More
Stuffed Peppers with Ground Turkey
Who doesn’t love stuffed peppers? I mean, I may be biased because I’m half Italian but I don’t think that’s the case! My old roomie Eric used to make us stuffed peppers all the time and I used to think, “I wish I could cook like this!”. MEAT SAUCE HEAVEN Well, flash forward 9 years …
Must Have Meat Sauce
This meat sauce is DELICIOUS! I still remember the first time I made it. I was skeptical because even though I’m Italian I hadn’t ever made my own sauce. However the minute I took the first bite I literally looked at my husband and said …. “ooh! that is delicious!!”. (I’m not kidding!) SIGNATURE CONCOCTION/NUTRITION …
Sweet Potato Skillet
This Sweet Potato skillet is easily one of my favorite and go-to recipes. I adapted this recipe from Primavera Kitchen but changed the cooking method, timing and increased the measurements significantly on some of the ingredients. I also added a little chili powder to get a little more kick! You can leave out the chili powder …
Buffalo Chicken Bake
Looking to satisfy that Buffalo Chicken craving but don’t want to blow your wad? Try this AMAZING buffalo chicken bake. It is healthy, yet satisfies that buffalo chicken craving. The base of it is spaghetti squash and I add a ton of sauteed diced chicken to it. There aren’t many ingredients and you can find them …
How To: Cook Spaghetti Squash
The first time I heard about Spaghetti Squash I was like… what in the world is spaghetti squash and how do I cook it? Spaghetti squash is the healthy alternative to …. you guessed it! Spaghetti! Or really pasta in general. I still remember the first time I tried it. My roommate Andrea was making …
How To: Saute Chicken
VERSATILE PROTEIN Chicken is one of the most versatile proteins you are going to find. It is a great source of protein, low calorie, low fat and full of essential vitamins and minerals. The flavor profile of chicken isn’t overpowering, so that makes it an amazing protein to add to any dish. Anytime I find …