Remember the days when you used to choke down your mother’s steamed brussel sprouts and want to curl up and die? Not anymore! Brussel Sprouts have come a long way and this recipe is no exception! It is easy, minimal clean up and crispy! Boiled, steamed soggy brussel sprouts and broccoli are a thing of …
best air fryer
Air Fryer: Steak
This air fryer steak recipe is PERFECT! It is super easy, minimal cleanup and you can’t mess it up! I mean you just can’t! I am beginning to LOVE my air fryer! I have the Cuisinart Air Fryer that is not only an air fryer but also a toaster, an oven and broiler in ONE …
Air Fryer: Teriyaki Chicken Wings
This recipe was my second attempt at using my new Cuisinart Air Fryer and these Teriyaki Chicken Wings did NOT disappoint! They were actually very crispy and reminded me of the Chinese chicken wings we used to get at Kings Garden or China Dynasty growing up! WHAT IS AN AIR FRYER? An Air Fryer is …