You may or may not know, I am a notary public and loan signing agent! That being said, I print a lot of loan documents at my house using my Brother HL-5200DW laser printer (click here to view/buy). I have to change the toner (ink) every 3-4 months and it is a breeze if you know …
mark wills loan signing system
Stamp That! My Journey as a CA Notary Public
Last week I presented my notary business to a room full of Real Estate (RE) professionals. That room was filled with Realtors, lenders, escrow officers, and title reps! I was nervous to present because it’s been a while since I have stood up in front of people and presented something. I worked on my presentation …
Brother Printer & Mark Will’s Loan Signing System Review
BROTHER PRINTER HL-L5200DWT I have been a mobile notary and loan signing agent for almost 14 years. Over the past few years I have only completed the occasional notarization but now that I have quit my job in corporate America, I am getting back into the loan doc signing business! Things have changed since I …
Brother Printer & Mark Will’s Loan Signing System ReviewRead More