This quick workout includes both cardio & strength and is an oldie but a goodie! It takes about 30-40 minutes total (depending on how fast you can do push-ups, sit-ups etc) and definitely gets your heart rate and muscles pumping!! I used to do this workout at 24 Hour Fitness when I was short on time but still wanted a kick butt workout. It is meant to be done as fast as possible while maintaining form.
So unlike the other body weight workout I posted (click here to view!) you DO need equipment for this workout! The cardio portion utilizes 4 machines that can be found at most local gyms. However, if you are traveling OR your gym doesn’t have one of them sub in another cardio machine like the treadmill OR just repeat the same machine twice.
- StairMaster
- Elliptical
- Bike (not recumbent)
- Treadmill
- Your bad ass self!
This is a great workout because it is a total body workout. It gets your heart rate up while working those muscles at the same time. It is a combo of cardio machines (listed above) and different body weight strength movements like push-ups, sit-ups, squat jumps. You are working your legs, arms, chest, back and core in one total body workout! To see each move in action check out my YouTube video by clicking here or viewing below!
Many people go to the gym and just hop on a cardio machine and call it a day. Well, you should also be incorporating strength movements into your daily routine. You don’t necessarily need to hulk out, however, building muscle mass helps you burn more calories at rest. YES! AT REST people! People used to say that muscle weighs less than fat. That is not true! How can 5 lbs of muscle weigh less than 5 lbs of fat? They are both 5 lbs! What those people meant to say is that 5 lbs of muscle looks different than 5 lbs of fat. Muscle is denser and takes up less room than fat, therefore when someone is muscular they look lean and toned. Click here for a nice image showing you the difference!
I have been lifting weights since 2003 (after I graduated college I started packing on some pounds lol) and I feel happy, healthy and ready to conquer the world. 15 years of lifting weights has not made me bulky (I am usually around 106 lbs) so do not think that lifting one weight will make you look jacked or “manly”. I have been squatting for years and my buns ain’t nothing like steel! So don’t be afraid to pick up a weight or two and do other strength movements (like this workout or my bodyweight workout because these are the things that are going to make you look lean, feel healthy and ready to kick some serious butt!!
- StairMaster
- Elliptical
- Bike (not recumbent)
- Treadmill
- your bad ass self!
StairMaster - 1 minute Level 13
20 Push-ups
StairMaster - 1 minute Level 13
50 Sit-ups
StairMaster - 2 minute Level 13
30 Squat Jumps
StairMaster - 1 minute Level 15
60 Bicycle Crunches
Elliptical - 1 minute Level 14
20 Push-ups
Elliptical - 2 minute Level 14
1 minute low plank
Elliptical - 1 minute Level 15
20 Reverse Lunges (per side)
Bike - 40 seconds slow 20 seconds FAST! level 12
20 Push-ups
Bike - 40 seconds slow 20 seconds FAST! level 13
20 V-ups (or tuck-ups)
Bike - 40 seconds slow 20 seconds FAST! level 14
80 floor bridges
Bike - 2 minutes level 13
Treadmill - SLOW 2 minute incline sideways (per side)