Hancy and I have drank A LOT of non alcoholic beers over the past couple years since his seizure. It took some thought BUT we have compiled a list of the BEST NA BEERS! You may be thinking, I thought there was only O’Douls… well think again! There are TONS! Now, we have not tried …
Health & Fitness
Quick Gym Workout: Cardio & Strength
This quick workout includes both cardio & strength and is an oldie but a goodie! It takes about 30-40 minutes total (depending on how fast you can do push-ups, sit-ups etc) and definitely gets your heart rate and muscles pumping!! I used to do this workout at 24 Hour Fitness when I was short on …
How to Eat Healthy at Fast Food Restaurants!
It’s National Fast Food Day. I get it. American’s love to eat fast food. Its greasy, it’s easy, it’s cheap and it hits the spot. But its also EXTREMELY UNHEALTHY. 9 times out of 10 its loaded with unnecessary Calories, Fat, Carbs and Sodium. It’s no wonder that American’s are overweight (and complaining that they …
How My Ex-Boyfriends Sent Me To Therapy
In Honor of National Boyfriend Day I thought I would tell my story about my boyfriends and how they inadvertently sent me to therapy. LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING One would think that I am confident. In fact, I am quite outgoing, I will talk to anyone, I wear my pajamas in public and velour jumpsuits from …
Self Care: The Importance of Massage Therapy
KIMBERLY’S STORY Massage therapy has literally and figuratively touched my life. I have been a professional ballerina since age 17. When I was 19 years old, and dancing for Houston ballet, I experienced an array of injuries in my foot and even though I listened to every piece of advice western medicine could provide, I …
Self Care: Oriental Medicine or Traditional Chinese Medicine
“Some days I go to the gym and eat kale, and some days I eat a cupcakes while watching Netflix — it’s called balance.” – unknown This popular meme is funny, relatable, and a great way to paint a general illustration of why self care is so important and how Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can …
Self Care: Oriental Medicine or Traditional Chinese MedicineRead More
Self Care: Importance of Chiropractic Care
There are many misconceptions when it comes to chiropractors and chiropractic care. I’ve heard all of them. “They’re not real doctors.” “They’re quacks.” “They do some voodoo witchcraft, hippy bullshit.” The only thing I can say to combat that is that we treat nearly 2000 patients per month between the two clinics! That’s a crazy …
The Importance of Self Care: My Battle with Scoliosis
“Your knee bone connected to your thigh bone Your thigh bone connected to your hip bone Your hip bone connected to your back bone Your back bone connected to your shoulder bone” EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED! You remember that song right? Well it’s true. Everything in your body is connected and what might show up as …
The Importance of Self Care: My Battle with ScoliosisRead More
Are you in an Exercise RUT?
Are you in an exercise rut? Are you lacking motivation? Not seeing the results you expected and getting frustrated? Is the summer heat making you lazy? Body ailments holding you back? MOTIVATION IS CYCLICAL. Sounds like a commercial right? But its not! It’s the cycle called LIFE! Exercise motivation and dedication is cyclical. Don’t be …
Body Weight Workout (No Equipment Needed!)
NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED! JUST YOU! This body weight workout is a kick butt workout and the best part is that you do not need any equipment! All you need is yourself and a little motivation to get moving! TRAVEL OR AT HOME. WHEREVER YOU ARE! I have done this workout numerous times in my hotel …
My Health and Fitness Journey
Everyone’s health and fitness journey is unique to them. It’s your journey and no one else’s. Everyone has different genetics, different mindsets and different priorities. POST COLLEGE BODY CHANGES My health and fitness journey started in 2003. Right about the time I graduated from College and my feet hit the San Diego soil. My body …
Importance of a Protein Packed Breakfast!
START YOUR DAY ON THE RIGHT FOOT! Starting the day off with high protein packed breakfast can and will make you feel fuller longer! I know many people skip breakfast and that is a big NO NO!! You need breakfast to jump start your engines people! It gets your metabolism moving and grooving. To expend …